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Lec­ture: Afghanistan — cur­rent devel­op­ment and per­spec­tives from Jama Maqsudi’s point of view

Thursday, 13 October 2022

After the Tal­iban took pow­er, the sit­u­a­tion in Afghanistan has become gloomi­er. It is espe­cial­ly about human rights and the pro­tec­tion of those who are direct­ly threat­ened by the Tal­iban. These are first and fore­most those who con­tribute to a life of open­ness: women, jour­nal­ists, democ­rats and oppo­si­tion activists. Ques­tions are raised about the fail­ure of the West as well as about a pos­si­ble future for Afghanistan. But it is also about the res­cue of many peo­ple who are wait­ing to leave the coun­try. Human­i­tar­i­an aid for the coun­try should be giv­en pri­or­i­ty; accord­ing to Welthunger­hil­fe, more than half of the pop­u­la­tion is depen­dent on it.
Jama Maq­su­di is a social econ­o­mist, founder and chair­man of the Ger­man-Afghan Refugee Aid Asso­ci­a­tion DAFV e.V., recip­i­ent of the Fed­er­al Medal of Mer­it, cur­rent­ly per­son­al assis­tant to State Sec­re­tary Petra Olschows­ki in the Baden-Würt­tem­berg state parliament.

Target group: adults
This event is gratis
ibz. EG. Großer Saal
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated: 2023-02-08